Tuesday 1 November 2011

Boo! Hiss!

There I was a bit stoned walking into a pub full of Portsmouth fans when all of a sudden my father decided he was going to confuse everyone by not ordering the steak. So I went up to the bar and while we were all trying to avoid mentioning that we'd had Southampton in last week I decided I really needed a cigarette (20:27).

When I returned (20:32) most of the football fans were leaving and I noticed there was a TV on the wall showing the news. As my father and I were struggling with a beef burger each I came to the distinct conclusion that the BBC have decided to discontinue outside broadcasts for the Houses of Parliament for the evening. One can only assume the presence of a multitude of p*ssed up hooligans only raised the tone of the establishment.

In other news I am totally rocking the cords look and I most definately don't have a cold. I've had the beginings of a cold for the past three or four days but it has yet to decide whether it is going to develop into full blown man flu or whether it's just going to go away. Also the barber I saw today was of Greek extraction so my post before last should have read; "There I was getting a Greek haircut when in walked my grandmother's GP. It's hardly Occupylsx. In fact it was just too tense.

I'm very sorry but it just over 60 countries are currently attending the Cyberlondon conference on Internet security so for some reason I felt "It's Tuesday (1/1/11) at around 20:20 and I back from the pub to find everything to be ok" is just not sufficent.

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