Friday 25 November 2011

Right if You Want me to Completely Re-Train Egypt's CSF

six days before a significant strike action in London and the day before Millwall FC play Crystal Palace FC all along my high street I'm probably going to need paying. However long before that happens I really need these protests in Tahrir Square to stop because I've always felt the best place for training to take place is in a training centre rather then in the heat of a riot.

Yeah at this point (around 19:45 on 25/11/11) I'm just making more work for myself.

In other news my father has returned and would like a copy of the application I made to the Court of Protection (COP) that led to next Friday December 2nd hearing at the Family division of the Royal Courts of Justice. Obviously prior to the hearing I have to provide him with a copy of the full 300 page plus bundle. Unfortunately we've sort of run out of printer ink so we're currently debating whose responsibility it is to buy some more and where you would buy such a product from.

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