Wednesday 13 February 2013

The UNSC, Rwanda, the EU and Meat Fraud.

Apart from the China link discussed yesterday the purpose my ECG, the North Korean nuclear test, Rihanna's "Stay" video, Dorner and the State of the Union was to US trying to shake down Rwanda during a scheduled United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting in which Navi Pillay briefed on the situation in Syria.

Effectively a UK client state Rwanda plays a central role in the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and their term on the UNSC is going to be problematic. Therefore the US is very keen to get a sense of what their intentions are and how they operate. Knowing all this the UK intended to watch the US shake down Rwanda so they could identify what the strengths and weaknesses are and adjust their approach accordingly.

Have been driven almost entirely by the UK and their close ally the Netherlands European Union (EU) ministers today held an emergency meeting on meat fraud which is the more correct, technical term for the current horse meat scandal. Apart from raising the issues of pan-EU trade and law enforcement that are implicit within the EU Budget discussions the UK was trying to gauge reaction to the UNSC thing with the first question being who knew about it?

Just before this EU meeting began Chris Brown tweeted something about his charitable foundation increasing the number of college scholarships it awards. Coming on the day that victims of abuse by Jimmy Savile began compensation claims against his charitable foundation this seemed a lot like Chris Brown challenging me to a duel.

This of course would have added to the complexity of the EU meeting by including the issues surrounding Rihanna's "Diamonds" video. Also it's long been a position of the UK and the US that I need to go to college in order to get a degree to qualify for a job doing perfectly fine as it is. Further more one of the issues with the horse meat is that it may contain traces of a drug known as Bute. Before they discovered it was dangerous Bute was used in humans to treat a form of arthritis known as Gout. You may remember that last year I smashed up my toe in the gym. Britain then went on a desperate campaign to convince everyone I was suffering from gout in much the same way the tried to convince everyone that my grandmother was suffering from dementia.

So while I appreciate that the UK and the US are allies Team Breezy seems more dedicated to the UK side of the relationship.

23:00 on 13/2/13.

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