Monday 11 February 2013

Iran and Yemen's MANPAD Carnival

As is I think common knowledge Iran supplies Hamas in Gaza with weapons amongst other things. The most commonly used supply route is through Somalia, the Sudans and the Egypt. However recently Iran has started very obviously routing some of these shipments through Yemen.

This is being done specifically to raise the issue of US drone strikes and other military support in Yemen. That is all being done at the behest of the Saudi's in order to stop Yemen's popular uprising spreading to Saudi Arabia.

Last month Iran sent a shipment of Man Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADS) via the Yemen route. These Stinger type weapons are incredibly nasty in the hands of a terrorist with a commercial jumbo jet being brought down over a crowded city being one of the worst case scenarios. Therefore the US Navy very quickly moved to intercept the shipment. They have since gone public with this information in order to put pressure on Saudi Arabia to repay the US support it's receiving in Yemen by stopping the flow of weapons (including MANPADS) into Syria. However in order to disguise it the US made up some nonsense about the weapons being intended for Islamists in Somalia and the Sudans. The almost constant state of crisis between Sudan and South Sudan is of course being manipulated in order for the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to use it as a metaphor for a range of other issues chiefly the Israel/Palestine situation.

This Sunday's (10/2/13) death of five crewmen during a training drill aboard the UK's Thomson cruise ship "Majesty" in Santa Cruz port on the Canary Islands was someone just laughing in the US' face. The fire aboard the US' Carnival cruise ship "Triumph" that occurred later in the Gulf of Mexico was to enquire if anybody else knew about or shared that view.

So once again I can only strongly recommend that the US stops putting on nonsense like the Delaware Court House shooting to make it look like the Chris Brown issue is being polled internally. That's because if you're still trying to piece together Assad's latest plea from Turkish border (they're really not happy about the Sarai Sierra stunt btw) the world wasn't listening during the Grammys. It was shifting.

20:00 on 11/2/13.

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