Friday 15 February 2013

Rihanna's Airborne.

Well if she wants to be in London by 20:30 tomorrow with her game face on she's got to be at least thinking about it.

Unfortunately due to my misbehaviour during the Dreamliner test the flight number will not be made publicly available so we won't be able to track it on FlightAware. Instead NASA would prefer it if we all whipped out our telescopes and concentrated really hard on 2012 DA14 for clues. Although the Russians seem to have stolen a march on that I for one will be interested to see by what margin NASA's estimate will be out. The last I heard was 1700 Kilo/Miles so if they get it on the nose I'm either going with "Magic" or "Light moves really quickly through the cold vacuum of space."

Anyway while we ponder great and wondrous things you may remember that on Tuesday (12/2/13) I mentioned that Rihanna suffers from some fundamental misconceptions. An example of this would be her thinking she can come to my hometown and pretend that I don't exist. I don't mean that in a bitchy or arrogant way, it's just seriously does anyone think I'm not at least going to be alluded to?

So to clarify Rihanna now has my phone number and I won't be making any attempt to meet up with her unless she calls first to make to appointment. If she doesn't intend on doing that I can only strongly recommend that she doesn't drag her feet.

15:00 on 15/2/13.

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