Wednesday 27 February 2013

Sunday's Special Mail Delivery.

On Sunday (24/2/13) I received a very special mail delivery. The first clue that it was very special was the fact is was the day of the Oscars. The second clue that it was very special was that in the UK we don't receive mail deliveries on Sundays.

The first letter was from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) informing me that my claim for contribution based Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) expired on February 20th (20/2/13). However rather then being transfered directly over to income based ESA I will have to instead experience a period of zero income while I obtain, complete and return a 54 page form known as an ESA3. Today I telephoned the DWP and requested that form is sent to me in the post.

The second letter was from my GP informing me that they have received my ECG results. However rather then providing any further information it rather ominously requests that I contact them so they can discuss the results with me. Although this is a standard form letter if the analysis of that ECG shows anything other then me being in perfect physical health this could lead to an unfortunate dispute over my medical care at exactly the time I'm making a claim for ESA based on my medical condition. Needless to say I won't be contacting my GP until such a time that I am equipped to check the analysts interpretation of that ECG result. After all it was around the time that my paternal grandmother's rare congenital heart defect leapt the genetic barrier and started affecting my maternal cousin most people decided that Britain was really just taking the p*ss.

By an amazing coincidence just as I received the first lot of letters from the DWP last Thursday (21/2/13) my scanner/printer suddenly broke meaning that I can't share these letters with you. Nor can I print out any documents.

That last point is particularly annoying because I've decided that I will be writing to the DWP to ask them to review their decision to place me in a work related activity group. This is a precursor to launching a formal appeal through the Courts. I'm sure though that once the DWP has been made aware of what happened that last time I undertook work related activity (Enterprise House) they will realise their massive and clunking error and reverse their decision before we have to bother the Courts or Zimbabwe with their massive and clunking error. Therefore I should be straight back on contribution based ESA before the application form for income based ESA has even arrived in the mail.

20:20 on 27/2/13.

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