Friday 16 March 2012

There is No Need For Alarm

It is currently around 12:00 on Friday March 16th 2012 (16/3/12). If you've been reading my Twitter feed (@Sovereignaka) you'll be aware that my home Internet connection was not working from about 19:40 yesterday (15/3/12).

Obviously I will now have to go back and check that my all my Tweets actually appeared but first I'm going to have breakfast. The good news is that at least I don't need to go to an Internet cafe.

Edited at around 12:35 on 16/3/12 to add:

All 17 Tweets present and (almost) correct. Basically after establishing that my home Internet was not working at around 19:45 I tried checking every hour or so to see if it was working and writing something unique every time it failed. So at around 20:40 I mentioned that I'd been out to buy some more beer. At around 22:40 I mentioned that I'd been watching a preview to the new Formula 1 season on the news. The flurry of Tweets between 02:30 and 03:00 was basically me having a mini-nervous break down as I finally decided to give up and go to bed.

As for what I was going to blog at around 19:40 that moment has more then passed. I might write it up later but I'm really planning to have a quiet one today.

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