Monday 19 March 2012

France Shooting: Volume 3.

It's around 11:35 on 19/3/12 and my home Internet connection is working again.

However what I was going to post has been overwhelmed by the news that this morning three children and one adult have been shot and killed by a lone gunman at a Jewish school in Toulouse, France.

The fact that this shooting comes on the back of two similar attacks on soldiers in the past week means my first instinct is that they are the work of a Raoul Moat style nutcase rather the something more government sponsored. This is hardly surprising though because in the run-up to France's 2012 Presidential election the political climate has been pretty toxic with even the left-wing candidates finding potential votes in immigrant bashing.

In fact it has been a subject I would have liked to have covered in more detail if I'd had the Internet access.

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