Friday 9 March 2012

Rastamouse is No More.

Rastamouse is a Children's BBC (CBBC) show about a Rastafarian mouse puppet that lives on a Caribbean island investigating mystery's and searching for cheese with his friends. Some people say it's really great. Other's say it's a bit racist. All I think is that the Rastafarian it's based on lives down the road from me at number 55.

Well I say lived. He got evicted at the end of February and now all their stuff's in the front yard and the neighbours are worried about who'll move into the vacant property. It could have been all so different though. When number 50 was known as the "hen-house" he's 14-15 year old son was keen on getting to know the 18-20 year old girls. It's a shame they got moved on because nothing makes a city block easier to flatten then a brothel.

I think that might have been why my father recently decided to put a red light in my grandmother's window. But at around 23:10 on 9/3/12 all I can think is how nice it was to get involved some 18 months after the fight.

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