Monday 26 March 2012

Britain's Dementia Strategy.

With the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg in South Korea for the Nuclear Security Summit the British Prime Minister David Cameron today (26/3/12) announced a new national strategy to tackle dementia.

This is obviously an issue that is synonymous with me and my grandmother. So much so that this policy was first announced back in December 2011. Shortly after my Court of Protection case both the Alzheimer's Society and the Royal College of Psychiatrists made strong public statements criticising Dementia diagnosis. The government responded by announcing that it will be dropping all pretence and making more money available to what are now semi-private health care providers who have Dementia patients on their books and offering out and out cash payments for doctors who diagnose elderly patients with Dementia regardless of what's actually wrong with them.

Today's announcement was about putting a figure of £66million on that extra money. So I think the objective of Britain's new Dementia strategy is to produce a lot of data but very few solutions.

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