Saturday 10 March 2012

March 3rd 2012.

Today is the first anniversary of the Japanese earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster.

Knowing that this date was coming up I was hoping to write something that best explained how much devastation these triple disasters caused and how much the Japanese people have suffered since. I could have talked about how many people were killed or how many miles of coastline were wiped out. I could have spoken about the nuclear workers who volunteered to risk almost certain death to prevent the Fukushima plant going into full meltdown or the generations it will take for the exclusion zone around the plant to become safe again. I could also have talked about how the forced shut down of most of Japan's power stations has meant no-one there has had a normal day since let alone begun to reconstruct the country.

However even with all the time in the world to stop, reflect and research all the little details I still don't think I could ever find the words.

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