Sunday 11 March 2012

Kony 2012!

At around 00:05 on 12/3/12 to my mind that is the worst election campaign slogan I've heard since "Hillary 2008."

However if like me you've not been sent a copy of the Kony 2012 video. About a week ago a bunch of Californians released a viral Internet video calling fo the USA to capture Joesph Kony before 2012 is out. Now I will properly have to get around to watching this video but I believe Joesph Kony was a not very nice chap who started his trade in Uganda with a machete. After founding the Lords Resistance Army (LRA) he moved onto Sierra Leone and then the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Following his antics in Sierra Leone the International Criminal Court (ICC) are soon expected to convict Charles Taylor.

Now Sierra Leone was a nasty war. Throughout the 1980's Britain's Tory government supplied both sides with weapons. In fact they supplied one side with one of the Self-Loading Rifles (SLR's) used in Northern Ireland's second "Bloody Sunday" massacre. Then Tony Blair sent some paratroopers to sort out Sierra Leone.

Now at around 00:15 on 12/3/12 the pizza's getting cold and like I said I need to watch a viral video.

Edited at around 00:50 on 12/3/12 to add:

After finding the kony2012 video here; I left it to stream for my neighbours while I went outside for a smoke.

It's now around 00:55 and I'm ready to watch;

I bleive it gets grown up around 04:34

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