Tuesday 20 March 2012

3 Kids & a Rabbi Walk into a Bar.

And at around 20:00 on 20/3/12 I've got to stop that joke there. Mainly because I can't think of a punchline.

Anyway I'm back from the pub and was hoping to spend my evening away from the Internet drinking my own body weight in Kronenbourg. Kronenbourg is of course a French lager that in Britain is very much the rival to Stella Artois. That is to say you are either a Stella person or a Kronenborg person. In Belgium they're equally spilt between French speakers and Flemish speakers while in Switzerland it's more of a three way between French, Flemish and German. Got a headache yet?

However it was while I was in the Norbury pub drinking Carlsberg that the proverbial penny finally dropped on the old French shooting thingy. So more words will appear here soon. 20:07

20:15 The first of the French shootings occurred on March 11th 2012 (11/3/12) in or around Toulouse. A French paratrooper was trying to sell his motorbike on the Internet when one prospective buyer turned up to view the vehicle but instead shot the seller. On Wednesday (14/3/12) one of the horses in one of the races at the Cheltnam festival (I was less then detail orientated last week) crashed into a French photographer. At the the Cheltnam festival photographers are forced to wear a red armband to identify themselves. This arm band is very similar to the type of armband that French plainclothes police officers wear to identify themselves and not a million miles away from the red Swastika armband the Nazi's used to wear. So the Cheltnam crash was Britain's way of telling the French that they'd identified the shooter as one of the three paratroopers who were kicked out of the French army in 2008 for being Nazis. However in the midst of the meeting between the British Prime Minister and the US President I would say that this advice was less then useful to the French especially as the shooter has clearly been influenced by what has been publicly reported about Breivik.

However the three ex-paratroopers identified in most of the European press are now the main suspects. There is of course though a huge difference between identifying the suspects and catching the suspects especially when the suspects have been trained in escape and evasion techniques.

Oh and about 10 minutes after my previous post a 7.6 magnitude struck Mexico. It hit in the middle of the desert so I'd be shocked if it managed to destroy a building let alone kill anyone.

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