Thursday 15 March 2012

So I Went to That Jobcentre Interview.

Arrived at around 12:40 left about 13:10. I wore a shirt and everything.

Unfortunately I was in a very bad mood so my demeanour could best be described as sullen, aggressive and un-cooperative. If this had been a medical interview all of those things would have counted as an asset. Sadly though it was a clerical interview so the above traits meant I have little idea what went on.

The actual interview started at around 13:05 and consisted of me giving my diagnosis and prognosis (Manic Depression/Anti-Social Personality disorder & untreatable). Then the interviewer went through the checklist of questions on his computer screen while I answered "Yes" or "No" without really listening.

Anyway the summary is that under the new system I have to come in for a similar interview every three months. As it currently mid-March that means the next one should be coming up just about at the start of the Olympics but no date has yet been set.

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