Thursday 15 March 2012

Sh*t Must Be Serious.

I've been forced to a buy a copy of today's (15/3/12) Guardian newspaper to check out their coverage of the Bashar al-Assad emails. Don't worry though I also brought a proper newspaper and some beer because have I mentioned how much I like beer and think it's no time to go changing.

I really should have brought a copy of last week's Croydon Advertiser newspaper because apparently it had a special review of the August riots. I would have liked to have seen if it was able to explain that there wasn't one big riot in the UK in August 2011. Instead there were like 19 separate riots over a five day period all with their own unique characteristics. For example in Tottenham and Croydon it was all about the arson and property destruction while in Clapham and Enfleid is was all about the looting and in Hackney it was all about giving the police a good kicking.

And now (16:09) we get drunk.

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