Tuesday 22 January 2013

Wanna Hear Something Interesting?

No not the fact there's been a large scale shooting incident at the Lone Star College in Texas USA. After all northern Mali is roughly the same size as France. France is roughly the same size as Texas, Israel's having a general election and Britain's Prince Harry has been getting all uppity in his Apache. What's interesting is that about an hour prior to the shooting (17:50) in a moment of quiet contemplation my mind wandered back to the time I was working at the Mind in Croydon charity shop "Enterprise House." More specifically it wandered to what we would do if that armed police vehicle stop outside had turned into a mass shooting incident. The conclusion was move all staff and customers to the back of the shop, contact the emergency services, treat any wounded then after establishing we hadn't been forced in that direction as part of an ambush evacuate via the rear gate. Mind you we never really had 10,000 staff and customers. So yeah my brain's kind of in that mode at the moment.

In other news it's Tuesday night and I'm back from the pub where I decided that smartphones have taken all the skill out of pub know-it-all-ism. After with a few taps of a screen everybody found out that the Saint Piran whose feast day the Wetherspoons pub chain will be celebrating on March 5th is in fact the patron saint of Cornish tin miners much to the annoyance of one guy who actually knew that. 

20:10 on 22/1/13.

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