Tuesday 15 January 2013

Ah the Most Joyous Day of the Week.

That's right it's Tuesday the day I'm forced to go to the pub and drink far too much far too fast before allowing everybody to have a go at rattling my brain like it's a magic 8-ball to see what pops out. So much like a Friday then.

Today though I have come prepared with a vitally important story that you must all hear. Remember how last week I brought a new TV. Well in deciding exactly which TV to buy I spent ages agonising over whether to get one with a built in DVD player or not. In the end I decided that built in DVD players aren't really that good quality, they make that awful grinding noise whenever you switch the TV on and well I've already got a perfectly good, decent quality, working DVD player. So instead I decided to just get a dedicated TV. Then when I got home and plugged everything in I switched on the DVD player and heard that horrible grinding noise telling me that I no longer had a perfectly good, decent quality, working DVD player. As a result whilst at the supermarket today I had to pick up a cheap DVD player.

So now I have a working TV, a working DVD player and the first three seasons of "Breaking Bad" on DVD. As a result it looks likes Wednesday is cancelled and possibly Thursday too unless of course it's nowhere near as good as everybody says.

20:00 on 15/1/13.

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