Monday 28 January 2013

Chris Brown Has Been Fighting Again

Overnight Chris Brown is alleged to have assaulted another R&B singer Frank Ocean in a argument over a parking space outside the Westlake recording studio in Los Angles. Police are said to be keen to speak to Brown but not keen enough to go round to his house and arrest him. Although I'm only vaguely aware of who these people are a quick look on Ocean's Wikipedia page reveals that he was recently involved in a controversy about his sexuality after he revealed having romantic relationships with other men. So while the events most certainly do seem to have taken place and the participants may not be fully aware of their role this whole things a set up for the African Union (AU) summit that is currently going on in Ethiopia with a bit of awards season drama thrown in for good measure.

At the summit the US is trying to find out if AU nations are failing to commit troops to Mali because many of them genuinely can't afford to deploy and supply their troops for what will be a long conflict or whether it is AU nations showing their displeasure at Chris Brown's recent tour and US plans for Rihanna's upcoming tour. Of course there is also an element of the US trying to find out what AU nations know/think about those tours. So expect the Brown/Ocean story to run with lots of discussion about Brown's violent streak, how situations can be manipulated to bring that violent streak to the fore and what if any role I had in manipulating this particular situation. Then of course no charges will be filed because the US already has more then enough to jail Brown for a long time. They're simply protecting him in order to use him to control and exploit Rihanna.

Oh and also with a British Airways (BA) flight from Houston to London being diverted to Cardiff I hope I don't need to explain the latest development in the Dreamliner story to the US because they seem to be being very slow on the uptake.

16:20 on 28/1/13.

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