Tuesday 8 January 2013

It's Yuesday Night and I'm Back From the Pub

And I'm just signing in because to frank on a night when the local tension is as high as it is if I didn't people would get upset. Fortunately I have something to report. I have have brought a new television. If this sounds excessive in the current economic climate then I apologise but you remember how I got really upset when my glasses broke. Well it turns out that was just the beginning of the week from hell most properly entitled; "The week where everything in my house broke." First my glasses broke, then my stereo broke, then my TV broke, then my boiler broke and finally the lock to my door broke. So you can probably guess why I've waited until I got back from the pub to tell you this story. Anyway I got my glasses replaced, the boiler repaired and the lock on the door sort of fixed itself.

So today I replaced my TV with a Bush LED26982HDT if you're really that interested. I was a bit annoyed because the Samsung LT27B550 that I wanted to buy was no longer available. This was annoying because the Samsung is a smart TV but with a removable Wi-Fi card so I was looking forward to playing a game of "Who can hack my TV?" I suppose it was for the best though because upon returning home I discovered that I only had a 28" gap to fit the TV in so 27" would have been a bit of a challenge. Plus with CES2013 going on it would have been a bit provocative because at that US tech show there's plenty of Japanese, South Koreans and a bit of Chinese but very little North Korean.

And in other local news the British House of Commons has decided to put through to a second reading a bill that would see the benefit cap rise to 1% which sounds about right to me because well Britain needs to feel included.

20:20 on 8/1/13.