Friday 11 January 2013

Oh Dear the US Has Got the Flu.

Yesterday the National Institute of Health pretty arbitrarily decided that the US is experiencing a flu epidemic. This has prompted a nation wide campaign to get people to get vaccinated. Once you sift through all the crap about my HIV status, my diabetes status, SARS, Avian flu, Swine flu, all the conspiracy theories and that old saying about the US economy sneezing and the world catching a cold there's actually quite an interesting debate about US health care costs and the shift towards Obamacare hiding in there somewhere. The decision by the New York Governor to publicly have his flu shot was an indirect swipe at North Korea through Venezuela's attempts to deconstruct the cult of personality around Chavez as he missed his inauguration due to ill health. That's because someone of Cumo's age really doesn't need to be getting a flu shot unless there's something about his health he's not telling us.

Also one of Justin Bieber's bodyguards is suing the star over something or other. As with the Taft shooting this a attempt to crush pressure on Rihanna because it's a story just crying out for someone to say; "She's paying how much a year for security and no-one's shot Chris Brown yet?!" It seems a little unfair because California has a well worked out legal mechanism to deal with the likes of Brown. They're simply refusing to follow it.

11:30 on 11/1/13.