Tuesday 23 August 2011

"Scotch Is....

...God's way of telling us that he loves us and wants us to be happy."

That is an Anna Chancellor line from the second episode of the BBC2 drama "The Hour."

Unfortunately I missed the first episode on account of my VCR going gay. It's been fixed now and tonight (23/8/11) my father and I sat down to watch the final episode. The moment after I explained to him that "Brightstone" is a code word for the USSR spy at the heart of the BBC the little man on the screen - "Freddie" I believe - thoroughly explained the plot of the previous five episodes and my father revealed to me that he'd watched it all on BBC iPlayer.

Then, once the Hour finished, we watched the ITV news at 22:00 which was little help in explaining the earthquake in the USA but at a guess I would say that the earthquake in the Commonwealth of Virginia did less damage in New York and Washington then we've seen in Tripoli recently.

Now it's 22:51 and I'm going off to listen to Black Sabbath. I will constantly threaten my neighbours with the promise of MachineHead even if I have Wagner and I not afraid to use it.

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