Tuesday 2 August 2011

It's Tuesday I'm Back From the Pub.

and at 20:14 a little bit late but nothing within the walls of my compound is either on fire or dead so I guess that means we're OK.

While I was at the pub I (half) remembered an interesting story. Peptic ulcers are caused by a bacteria with a long and scientific sounding name. This means that they are easily treated with a combination therapy of anti-biotics. This amazing fact was first theorised by, I believe, an Australian scientist in the early-1950's. However he found it difficult to test his theory because, at the time, peptic ulcers were considered a condition with a statistically significant risk of death. So the Nuremberg codes on medical research prevented him with infecting human test subjects with said bacteria. So he instead decided to infect himself, survived and won the Nobel prize for medicine.

As for my grandmother's carers the one who was meant to arrive about 14:00 finally turned up about 16:30. Apparently she - being a big black woman - wandered up the drive at about 11:00 but with the new occupants at number 50 Beechwood who can tell them apart(?!) Anyway before she left for the day this carer assured my father that the night shift carer would be arriving at around 18:00. By 19:20 no carer had turned up so my father and I went to the pub where he appeared to be a little bit stressed. We returned at around 20:15 to discover that still no carer had arrived.

Anyway it's now 20:29 and I actually started writing this post at about 20:19 after leaving five minutes to establish the neither being on fire or dead point.

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