Sunday 21 August 2011

Operation Oil Theft: Month 5, Week 5, Day 1.

Britain hopes to soon release the findings of the public inquiry into the Iraq war. This is going to be a complete whitewash designed to boost Britain's international reputation by blaming the entire illegal war for oil on the progressive left Labour Party. Obviously Britain's Conservative right would never stand for this sort of thing which is why the Monarchy overthrew the Labour Party in the 2010 coup.

Clearly this propaganda message is going to drowned out by the current illegal war for oil that Britain's Conservative right are currently fighting in Libya. Also Britain knows full well that it does not have the support to get NATO to extend the operation against Libya beyond the current deadline of September 2011. So Britain knows is must win Libya now or lose it for ever.

The only problem is that Britain has known for a long time that the Libyan rebels have neither the popular support or technical ability to ever take control of the country. So Britain's military planners have given up on everything east of Misrata and west of Brega - some 80% of the country. Instead on or around August 8th (Month 5, Week 3, Day 2) Britain completely disregarded the no-fly zone it's meant to be enforcing and used transport aircraft to insert a small rebel force behind the Libyan government stop line south of Zawiya and Tripoli that runs roughly through the town of Gharain. With Libyan government forces distracted by having to fight against this attack behind the lines British attack aircraft including Apache attack helicopters opened up gaps in the stop line allowing the rebels to advance at speed from their positions in the foothills of the Nafusa mountains to Zawiya.

The rebels have been in Zawiya since August 14th (Month 5, Week 4, Day 1) but in the face of stiff resistance do not look anywhere near capable of securing the city. However because they've suddenly started fighting like a highly trained special forces unit they have managed to secure the oil refinery and cut the main supply route between Tripoli and Tunisia. There are also reports that the rebels have also taken the town of Gharain but that is impossible to verify because both Libyan government and rebel forces are currently in the town. It would appear though that the rebels have managed to cut the main supply route between Tripoli and Algeria. The civilians in the area have done what Libyan civilians always do when they see the rebels advancing and fled.

Although optimistic at best the news that Tripoli has been cut off has acted as the trigger for what's left of the resistance cells in Tripoli to rise up. As of yesterday (20/8/11) there are reports of gunfire in four districts in the capital including the Tajoura district. The Tajoura district of Tripoli is rather like the Brixton district of London or the Bronx district of New York - somewhere the government is never going to be popular and there's always some gunfire. So the current situation in Tripoli is comparable to London's recent riots and last time I checked they didn't cause the capital to fall.

Probably more out of necessity rather then reality Britain though is utterly convinced that this current operation will work and Qaddafi will soon fall. So much so that on August 10th (Month 5, Week 3, Day 4) they caused a leak on the Shell operated Gannet Alpha lateral oil drilling platform in the north sea. The purpose of this was to discuss primarily with the United States which oil company will get Libya's oil once Qaddafi goes. Britain's problem is that it is relying on a handful of people within the rebel's chaotic coalition to sign the oil rights over to a British company. It would be all too easy for these British assets to be removed either through assassination in the coming anarchy or through arrest for the multitude of crimes against humanity they've committed both during their time as rebels and their time as members of the Qaddafi government. The purpose of the Gannet Alpha leak was to find out what America knows and what, if anything, they've got planned. Of course I couldn't possibly comment further.

Meanwhile Britain's frantic claims that Qaddafi is about to fall has prompted the United Nations to raise the question of what will happen to Libya's civilians is that does happen. Based on their own data the UN see the need for mass evacuations and the setting up of Bosnia style safe havens to protect civilians from revenge attacks by the rebels against Qaddafi supporters or "the blacks" as the rebels refer to them.

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