Saturday 6 August 2011

I'm Not Doing That Again in a Hurry.

I've just got back from my mothers gay wedding/civil partnership thing and apart from the abject terror of the ceremony itself it was actually a very pleasant day. However while I was out;

The credit rating agency Standard & Poor downgraded America's credit rating from AAA- to AA+.

An American helicopter crashed in Afghanistan killing 30 apparently including members of the SEAL team that killed Osama bin Laden.

There's been a major disturbance in the Tottenham area of London. This follows the shooting on Thursday (4/8/11) of a black man by the police. Although this doesn't appear to be an actual riot two police cars, a bus and some shops have all been set on fire. This does rather explain why there were lots of police about on my trip up to east London but absolutely none about on my way back.

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