Sunday 31 October 2010

What a Suprise. More Drama.

About 01:00 on Saturday morning I stepped outside to have a cigarette. As I was looking out across my quiet, suburban street I saw an idiot in a BMW doing burn-outs. That's when you spin your wheels while stationary to make lots of noise and smoke. If that wasn't stupid enough the guy lost control and scraped along the side of a parked car. He then parked up as if he was planning on fleeing the scene on foot. So obviously I went out to have a polite but firm conversation with him.

After we'd established that he was too drunk to be driving we debated whether or not he'd damaged the other car. After we'd established he had we debated whether or not he would like to leave his contact details so the owner of the other car could make a claim on his insurance. He felt that he wouldn't like to do that and when he realised that I felt I wouldn't be letting him leave until he did he threw a punch at me. That punch missed and he didn't get an opportunity to throw another one. After leaning over to check he didn't need an ambulance I noted down his licence number before going back inside because in my street we've long since given up on calling the police.

So apart for that happy Halloween which is today. Not Friday as the BBC have been [apologetically] trying to convince everyone in Britain.

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