Tuesday 5 October 2010


I have now received an email response from the Court of Protection. Although written by someone giving their name as Toyin Owolabi it's the standard call centre brush off and quite frankly an auto-response would have been more informative. It claims that the file has been referred to Senior Judge Lush and the matter is in his in tray. Basically what the author has done is take the words in my email and then send them back to me in a slightly different order.

In more interesting news I've learned that the Doctor who saw my grandmother has recommend that she is taken off warfarin pending consultation with the specialist who has prescribed the warfarin. This is big news. You see warfarin is a blood thinner prescribed to treat atrial fibrillation. This atrial fibrillation is the cornerstone of my grandmothers vascular dementia diagnosis. By taking her off the warfarin the doctor is basically declaring the the vascular dementia diagnosis is a crock of shit.

Speaking of crocks of shit "Republican Dissidents" set off a car bomb in Londonderry, Northern Ireland last night. I think it's obvious to anyone in the trade that these "Republican Dissidents" aren't members of the Provisional IRA, the Real IRA or even the Continuity IRA. They're just a small cell of a maximum of 20 really dumb people. The only reason they haven't all been arrested by now is because the cell leader is an MI5 man.

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