Tuesday 12 October 2010

Blimey It's All Go 'Round Here.

Apart from my antics this week has also seen the unveiling of the councils grand plan from my grandmother. And quite frankly it's not worth the hype.

Yesterday (11/10) just after my grandmother's personal care nurse, Linda had finished a district nurse visited to take my grandmother's blood pressure. She determined that like everyone else in the street my grandmother is suffering from high blood pressure. Today (12/10) and Occupational Therapist came round to carry out an assessment. Whilst dreaming of the day she becomes a proper physiotherapist she determined that my grandmother is suffering from balance problems and recommended that she buys a firm, high backed chair with sturdy armrests. Tomorrow(13/10) a physiotherapist will visit and diagnose my grandmother as suffering from balance problems due to muscle weakness and joint pain. She will then refer my grandmother to an occupational therapist.

The most important development though is the decision to take my grandmother off the drug Warfarin. This is an anti-coagulant prescribed to manage atrial-fibrillation (AF). As this AF is the cornerstone of the dementia diagnosis they couldn't leave this "very serious" condition untreated for too long. Therefore they have replaced the Warfarin with a 2.5mg daily dose of Felodipine which is a calcium antagonistic which I will have to get my biomedical head on to research thoroughly. However from a quick reading of the packaging I can tell that it will react badly with the buprenorphine AND cause dizziness, fainting, restless sleep and increased joint pain. In my opinion then it has only been prescribed to cause side effects that mimic dementia symptoms while gathering data on the role of cardigenic shock in vascular dementia. For a million points can anyone out there remember the first part of the Hippocratic oath?

For my next trick I will discussing all this with my father over dinner at the pub. I wouldn't like to hazard a guess as to how that's going to go.

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