Thursday 21 October 2010

More From the Court of Protection.

I've just received another letter from the COP. It's the exact same as the letter they sent me last Wednesday, just another copy of the order that an oral hearing has been called for November 3rd. I'm taking this repetition as indication that the Brits are still confident that this is the road they want to walk down.

This copy did include a list of frequently asked questions. This indicates that possibly the information I handed over to them on Tuesday (19/10) should have been on a COP9 form rather then a COP24 although there's nothing in statute to support that opinion.

Obviously it will be near impossible for me to download a COP9 form from the Internet and I'll have to waste another day sending it in so I'm not sure I'll bother. If though I do I'm very tempted to also request that the Judge removes himself from the case due to obvious incompetence and a temporary injunction is granted against the use of the LPA's until such a time as the COP has come to terms with the fact it is going to have to act as a court of law.

In other news the big bad CIA are continuing to f*** up the Pakistan situation.

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