Tuesday 5 October 2010

An Action Packed Day

In the sense that technically every breath is an individual action.

After I'd confirmed the Magistrate Court date a GP from my grandmother's surgery made a house call. This was arranged by my father presumably to show off my grandmother's head injury. The doctor was not actually my grandmother's GP but rather a junior doctor from my grandmother's practice. As usual I wasn't present during the consultation but I gather that the doctor raised the same questions about my grandmother's care that I've been asking for years. Obviously he doesn't have the authority to make any changes himself but he may now raise those questions with my my grandmother's GP who is effectively his boss.

I then called the Court of Protection and spent a good twenty minutes on hold before giving up without my call being answered. So I emailed them instead. All I wanted to do was confirm that Senior Judge Lush's order of direction had been complied with by the September 20th deadline and there was no outstanding paperwork to delay the case. Assuming that confirmation could be given I wanted to know if a possible court date had been set or whether the case was still in the queue awaiting a Judge. Officially this is done randomly on a first come first served basis. More realistically though I suspect this particular case will be held up until say the end of November or the start of December.

I then went to see my GP. By some bad luck he had not one but two medical students shadowing him which was not conducive to a full psychiatric assessment but I had my prescription renewed as usual. I suppose I should point out that if the Court of Protection want to request a medical report on me all they will learn is that I've been discharged from psychiatric care and my condition is being managed by a GP with appointments every two months. This is hardly evidence of acute psychiatric illness so it's probably best they don't waste everyone's time.

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