Friday 22 October 2010

Ha, Ha Soup!

Because winter has certainly arrived in Croydon.

I've spent today making a series of telephone calls regarding this statutory nuisance business. The first was to Croydon Magistrates Court for a copy of their judgement that explains the legal basis for their decision. You know, that one that doesn't appear to exist. The Courts response could best be described as obstructive. Although the lead Magistrate verbally agreed to the provision of this document on the day no-one appears to have informed the clerical staff. Therefore they feel the request needs to be re-made in writing and a fee may need to be paid.

The second call was to Marstons, the firm of solicitors represents Presentation Housing Assocation. On the day their representative stated that Presentation were happy to provide me with information on the tenants of number 50. Today was just a preliminary enquiry to establish that the offer was still open. That is something that Marstons will now have to contact their clients to confirm. I honestly don't know how their going to respond but if they're being sensible they'll keep the offer open because the alternative is obtaining court orders to compel them to provide that information. This will end up costing them a fortune.

So in summary this nuisance matter is so far from over that I actually have a range of options to choose from. Of course one of these options is to do nothing because as you may have noticed social housing is fast becoming a big issue in UK politics.

In other news British Airways are in retreat mode in their dispute with cabin crew. At the moment it looks as if Unite the Union are going to bottle it by ending the strike in return for the reinstatement of travel perks. The removal of these perks was something that happened during the dispute rather then the cause of the dispute. Personally I would never end a dispute on those terms but ultimately it's something for the cabin crew to decide.

Now if anyone needs me I'm going to send the rest of the day getting stoned and re-watching Firefly because I don't see why I should be the only one to put down childish things.

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