Saturday 8 May 2010

The Purple Revolution.

When MI6 wanted to paralyse the democratic part of the Iranian government they went about it by instigating the Green Revolution following Iran's elections. It now seems that MI5 are trying the exact same stunt here in Britain.

At around 15:00 today (8/5) approximately 1000 people from a never before heard of protest group called Power 2010/Unlock the Vote turned up outside the HQ of the Liberal Democrat (LibDem) party. Coming prepared with colour co-ordinated banners, T-Shirts and head scarfs the group were calling to introduction of the incredibly specific alternative vote system of proportional representation.

This is just the work of the Lesbian element in MI5 with some assistance from elements within the LibDems (possibly Paddy Ashdown, ex-MI6). The purpose was to put pressure on the LibDem negotiation team by making them think that the public wouldn't support them doing a deal with the Conservatives without a firm commitment to electoral reform.

As to why MI5 want electoral reform the answer is quite simple. They don't. They want a long, complicated and inaccessible argument to distract the public from the vicious and deep cuts the Crown are about to inflict on the British people as they try and pass the costs of their failures down the chain of command.

If it wasn't so depressing the irony of people bringing an end to democracy by protesting for democracy would almost be delicious.