Wednesday 19 May 2010

Errors and Omissions.

Following the ahem, election the British Crown is now trying to ram through the reforms it's been fantasising about for at least a year. As a result there is quite a lot of information flowing around. Plus I'm trying to save my best words for this Court of Protection business. As a result my previous post was not as clear as perhaps it could have been.

Obviously the introduction of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the police Stop & Search forms were not introduced entirely as a result of the Stephen Lawrence murder. Numerous miscarriages of justice including the Birmingham six, the Bridgewater four and Winston Sillcot meant that pressure to remove prosecution decisions from the police had been mounting since the 1970's. Likewise stop & search or "suss" laws had been causing problems for decades and contributed to the Brixton riots in the early 1980's. The Lawrence murder though was the watershed moment were the people of Britain turned round and said enough is enough. To put the case in perspective it prompted the normally right-wing tabloid the Daily Mail to run a legendary front page. It simply featured photographs of the five killers along with their names underneath the headline; MURDERERS. The newspaper then set up a legal fund to allow the men to sue the newspaper if the could deny the accusation. They never did sue but they and all the police involved in the case remain free as the Crown continues to shelter them.

There is also this Martin Smith/Spanish murder story. What's happened here is obvious. MI6 have sent one of their pet paedophiles to Spain to murder a couple of children. Apart from providing a distraction from the reforms mentioned above the idea of this is to open a dialogue with the Spanish over the election and it's various coded forms like the World Cup bid scandal. By the looks of things the Spanish have turned round and told MI6 to piss off.