Tuesday 18 May 2010

I've Been Running Errands

You tedious but necessary things like going to the bank and trying to buy some webbing to fix my sofa. I could tell you the entire details of my day but I'm not sure how it would add anything of value. The only remotely interesting things is that I visited the Whitgift shopping centre. This is part of the Whitgift estate who are the root of all evil in Croydon.

Unite the union are in Court challenging the injunction brought against them by BA yesterday. I should point out that apart from both featuring the words "Court" and "Judge" this story has no relevance to my business with the Court of Protection. In the only metaphor I can think of drawing the Croydon Loyalists are the Union and I'm BA so that's not much help to anyone. In fact I think it's just someone talking trash.

Now I'm going to try and sort out this blog's font problems and then I'm going to the pub. Try not to be overwhelmed by the excitement that is my life.


Anonymous said...

Would you be kind enough to contact me regarding the Court of Protection? You have my e-mail address.

shete said...

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