Friday 7 May 2010

The Non-Scandal of the Polling Stations.

There are reports that at around a dozen British polling stations voters have been turned away at 22:00 without casting their vote. Obviously I will need to look at every separate incident to find out exactly what has happened in each case. However it sounds like at the vast majority of incidents lots people simply turned up in the last 30 minutes.

The law in this matter is quite clear. Registered voters have between the polls opening at 07:00 and closing at 22:00 to cast their vote. If they fail to cast their vote in those 13 hours then they forfeit their right to vote. I'm sure that a crafty lawyer will be able to find some reason to bring this matter before a Judge. However that Judge will struggle to find a reason not to issue a writ of common sense. After all a eyewitness is Sheffield summed it up beautifully last night when she said;

"I drove past at around 7pm and there was a bit of a queue so I went home again. I came back about 8pm but there was still a queue so I went home again. I came back at 9pm and there was still a queue. By 9:30 there was still a queue so I decided to join it."

Now much as I value democracy if people can't work out how to queue then perhaps everyone could do without their opinion. In fact, I think, knowing how to queue is actually on the test that migrants must pass before they qualify for a British passport and voting rights.

If anyone's really that interested then last night I made dinner with a few chilli peppers that I cut up by hand. This meant a lot of capsicum got onto my hands, skin and in my hair. This wasn't a problem until I got in the bath after going to the gym. The capsicum then got aeroloslied by the warm water. So basically at around 15:00 I pepper-sprayed myself in the face. Not my finest moment.

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