Monday 17 May 2010

Britain's Stolen Election. (full text)

So it's all in one place;

Back in March 2009 Britain was in economic and political turmoil. Where everyone saw misery the British Crown saw opportunity. The opportunity to expel the Labour Party, whom they hate, from government and replace them with a government led by David Cameron, the Queen's fifth cousin.

As Israel's, then, recent attempts to form a coalition government had caused the Crown endless headaches it was decided that Britain's new government would be a coalition government As Britain likes to pretend that it is a democratic country obviously the Crown couldn't just send in the troops to remove Gordon Brown from Downing Street. Instead multiple and complicated plans were put in place to ensure that the 2010 General Election would result in a Conservative government with a few Liberal Democrat's thrown in to act as human shields.

As with all plans of this scale and complexity they set out to achieve multiple objectives. For reasons of clarity here I will only attempt to explain them as they relate to the General Election.

Break the Political Status Quo.

Traditionally British politics is a two party game with the Conservative party and the Labour part alternating majority governments. This makes it near impossible for an election to result in a hung Parliament or coalition government. So in order to achieve that result the Crown first had to destroy the public's faith in the established political order. This was done through the MP's Expenses Scandal. Once the public heard that all the existing MP's from all the main political parties had been ripping off the public for years there was universal disgust and calls to do away with the lot of them. This prompted a huge surge in public interest in minor political parties like the British National Party (BNP), the party that best reflects the worldview of the British Crown.

Bash Brown.

As the main purpose of this, for want of a better term, military coup was to depose Gordon Brown and the Labour party a lot of effort went into making them look bad. Given the state of the country that shouldn't have been too difficult but the Crown still created a few extra scandals just to make sure their point got across. As the military have been a major driving force in these efforts the majority of these scandals were designed to portray Brown as the man who had betrayed Britain's heroic armed forces. This included military figures of all ranks and some Coroner's blaming Brown for all the equipment shortages in Iraq and Afghanistan even though, for the past forty years, the Ministry of Defence have been legendary for buying all the wrong equipment and constantly going over budget. There were also numerous incidents where Brown was accused of either ignoring the families of British soldiers killed in combat or writing them poorly written letters that showed barely a moments thought.

The most significant of these military scandals though was the Ghurka's campaign. Here Brown and the Labour party were put in an impossible situation. They could either prevent the Ghurka's from living in the UK and get accused of betraying those who are prepared to lay down their lives for Britain. Alternatively they could allow the Ghurka's along with hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's and Afghan's to move to the UK and get accused of letting immigration run out of control and contribute to the Islamification of Britain. While I think the Labour party actually handled the Ghurka campaign quite well the public didn't see it that way and the damage to their reputation was done. A few months ago, in a spectacular display of arrogance, the same military figures who had called for the Ghurka's to be allowed to live in Britain even tried to accuse Labour of betraying the Ghurka's by allowing them to live in the UK.

Although the MP's expenses scandal damaged Parliament as a whole it did the most damage to the Labour party. In part this is because any political scandal gets blamed on the government and the Prime Minister even if it has nothing to do with him or his party. Also it is easier for a person who is struggling to pay their mortgage to get angry about a Labour MP fiddling their mortgage payments then it is to get angry about a Conservative MP claiming to have their moat repaired. Mainly though the expenses scandal became seen as a Labour scandal because special efforts were made to make it appear that way. The Telegraph newspaper that broke the story started with the expense claims of Labour MP's and after briefly covering the other parties returned to focus on the Labour party. Also the only three MP's to face criminal charges over their expenses were all Labour MP's. This kept the story in the public eye as an exclusively Labour story long after the indiscretions of the other parties had been forgotten. Weeks before the election the three Labour MP's managed to make it even worse for themselves by claiming public fund to defend themselves against charges of stealing public funds.

The Rise of the Far Right.

As they are the political party that agrees with the Crown on the most number of issues great efforts were made to help the fascist British National Party (BNP) win one or possibly two seats in Parliament. Although technically part of another operation this effort began in Luton in March 2009 with the Islam4UK front's protest against the return of the Royal Anglian Regiment from Afghanistan. This led to the formation of the English Defence League (EDL) and was followed up by a series of arrests of supposed Islamic Terrorists including Bob Quick's infamous Northwest anti-terror raids. The resulting wave of Islamophobia was enough to win the BNP two seats in the European Parliament unlocking to them a huge amount of extra funding and giving them the right to appear in legitimate political circles such as the BBC's Question Time discussion program.

While the BNP were sitting around trying to decide how to spend all their extra campaign funding the next bit of help the Crown gave them was to force them to change their constitution. Prior to this the BNP's constitution was so obviously racist that it listed a number of all white and some quite bizarre ethnic groups that BNP members had to belong to. This made it impossible for the BNP to argue that they were anything other then racists and fascists. By forcing the BNP to change their constitution the Crown was hoping to make it easier for them to deceive people about their true political views. It also played perfectly to the BNP's image of hard working white folks being oppressed by a liberal elite obsessed with multiculturalism.

The final stage which also served to Bash Brown was for senior civil servants to go public with the story that over their thirteen years in power the Labour party had been deliberately encouraging immigration in order to destroy traditional, white Britain from the inside. Although reading like the product of a deranged mind this played perfectly to the BNP's rhetoric of a nation being sucked dry by migrants coming over here to steal all the jobs and houses before jumping to the front of the NHS queues.

Although the Crown would dearly love to see the BNP become a powerful force in British politics and will continue to grow them as a long term objective this is not possible yet. The BNP are currently a tiny party whose highest hope at the 2010 General Election was to have their party leader elected as their first and only MP. Therefore the purpose of strengthening them ahead of the election was to encourage tactical voting. This is where traditional Labour voters living in areas where the BNP are standing vote for the Conservatives or the LibDems in order to keep the BNP out. This has the triple effect of increasing the Conservatives and LibDems vote while reducing the Labour vote and increasing the chances of a hung Parliament.

As the BNP really put the idiot in the phrase "useful idiots" this part of the plan went horribly wrong as the BNP's only real candidate was beaten into fourth place by a Labour candidate.

Policing and Protest.

It is widely accepted fact that Britain's 1974 General Election was also rigged in order to stop Trade Union's backed by the USSR from destroying Britain from within. Whatever the truth people who were alive at the time remember endless strikes with rubbish piling up in the streets, the dead lying unburied and constant power cuts. As the Labour party are heavily funded by the modern Trade Union movement the Crown tried to revisit the spirit of the time in order to re-awaken those who voted for Thatcher in the 1980's but switched to Blair in the 1990's. This was done by the Crown and it's corporate partners provoking the trade unions to the point where they had no option other then to go on strike. Apart from the BA dispute which is a long running and very complicated dispute this provocation led to lots of small strikes from binmen in Brighton to librarians in Leicester. Fortunately the trade union leadership showed extraordinary restraint and no large scale strike action took place.

In order to further portray the Labour party as being aligned with dangerous left-wing lunatics and cause the public to move further to the right a plan for the traditional Mayday protests magically appeared from the sky. The plan for the protest which would take place five days before the election was to gather 5-10,000 people in Parliament square and then have a massive fight with the police as the protesters attempted to storm the Parliament building. The protesters would then set up camp in the square and continue the violence and disruption right up to the day of the election and beyond into the negotiations on the formation of a coalition government.

Fortunately it would appear that at the last moment the grown ups arrived and this protest didn't really happen. However in order to inflame the situation and increase the chances of rioting the Crown chose that week to force the police to release the report into the death of Blair Peach. I have covered that incident in more detail on this blog already.

The Guarantee.

While hardly in line with the principles of a free and fair election none of the methods I've mentioned so far strictly speaking constitute election rigging. After all they are just the Crown, forcefully, expressing it's point of view. Providing they realised what was going on the public are still free to ignore the Crown's opinion and vote any way they choose. There was though one final and much more serious method used to guarantee that the 2010 General Election would result in a hung Parliament and return a Conservative and LibDem coalition government.

To understand how this method worked you first have to understand a bit about how the Crown recruits and controls it's networks of loyalists or community based agents. While some are forced into the service through a need such as the need to avoid criminal prosecution the vast majority are recruited out of pure greed. While those greedy ones are recruited on the promise that they will be given a helping hand to get ahead in their chosen field in reality they are being streamed in order to test out the different variables of a social or economic trend. With the introduction of the Euro and the opening up of the European economic zone one such trend was the practice of buying second homes in order to rent them out as tourist cottages. One group in this trend were given help to buy properties in the UK. Another group were given help to buy properties in Eurozone countries such as Spain, France, Greece etc. A third group was given help to buy properties in EU satellite countries such as Bulgaria. When the credit crunch struck everybody in the property business was hit hard but people who had taken out mortgages in pounds and were trying to repay them in Euro's or Lev's were hit the hardest. As the group that brought property in the UK tended to be the most nationalistic the Crown leapt to help this group the most.

In the spring of 2009 lots of magazine and newspaper articles began appearing promoting the idea of the "staycation" - that is the idea of rather then flying out to take holiday's in a foreign country people simply take their holidays in the UK. This was backed up by huge advertising campaigns by Britain's regional tourist boards and the UK meteorological office's frankly ridiculous claim that Britain would experience and long, hot, barbecue summer in 2009. This resulted in large amounts of private money being poured into areas like the Lake District, the Peak District, the New Forest, Devon, Cornwall, Somerset and Suffolk. This covert stimulus package was quickly paid out by the community based agents to local builders, gardening services, cleaning services, pubs and shops. This served to create the idea that even in a recession people who vote a certain way still manage to do just fine. While these local bigwigs with all the money to spend are natural British National Party (BNP) supporters the party they will actually vote for, tell people they're voting for and sometimes donate money too is the party the Crown tells them to vote for. So if the Crown wanted a Conservative winner in a certain seat then these people will support the Conservatives. However if the Crown wanted a LibDem to win in one of these mostly rural seats then these people will support the LibDems.

Obviously in this type of covert operation it is impossible to have a rigid command and control structure. Instead they are put into motion months and sometimes even years in advance and left to pick up momentum until they reach a point of no return. Due to unforeseen circumstances this means that Conservatives ended up winning in seats where it would have been in the Crown's strategic interest for a LibDem to win. This method has also served to dramatically change the economic and political landscape of the UK making it impossible for a free and fair election to be held in the country until, at least, 2012.

The Purple Revolution.

In the UK as soon as an election is officially called right up to the point a result is officially declared it becomes the responsibility of the Electoral Commission. It is their job to make sure that the election is carried out in accordance to a variety of strict rules most of which are covered in The Representation of the Peoples Act 2000. The golden rule though is that no taxpayer funded body like the police or the civil service may engage in electioneering or give support to any political party. The Electoral Commission themselves are overseen by international election monitors who are often mentioned in news reports about countries like Iran and Zimbabwe. With the exception of the Blair Peach incident which is difficult to connect to the election the Crown is not stupid enough to actively engage in election rigging while under that level of scrutiny.

The Labour part however is. Having been tipped off that they would be losing this rigged election their activists encouraged people to turn up at polling stations too late to cast their vote. The idea was that stories about thousands of people being locked out of polling stations would convey the message that the election had been rigged. The election result would then be overturned allowing the Labour party to stay in power. They were given help in this endeavour by people within the Electoral Commission who saw the same headlines as a way of bringing about electoral reform that would make the Electoral Commission more important and powerful.

Unfortunately for the Labour party the Crown knew all about this well in advance but let it continue. This is because the Crown also knew that when the election inevitably resulted in a hung Parliament they would be able to use the electoral reform issue to control the LibDems in the coalition negotiations. They also knew that a long and complicated argument over electoral reform would provide a useful distraction from the class war the Crown is about to wage against the British population.

For this reason, amongst others, I think that the Labour party now need to have a long hard think about what they want to achieve and what they are actually capable of achieving. The best place for them to do this is in opposition not government.

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