If you are still really that interested Rihanna is currently back in Los Angles and I believe at this exact moment meeting and greeting some 300 'randomly selected' members of the public which will be good training for her future career. It does though mean that she is likely not to be very active on Twitter over the next couple of days. That is actually a bit of a shame because with the COP/CMP having a rest day it would be perfect time for her to provide some light relief. However it's clear she's being handled in such a way as to make sure she's loud when she needs to be quiet and quiet when she needs to be loud. Hopefully she will now be staying in Los Angles to do a little bit of stock taking. In the meantime I suppose I should tell you the story behind these two blurry individuals;

They are two of the crowd of Rihanna's Navy that I led Pied Piper like from the Kentish Town Forum to the nearest pub. These two didn't have tickets but thought getting the dirt on me would help them blag their way in via the Henry Hollins route. The problem was that they were so bad at it they made me giggle when I had a mouth full of beer. So basically I sprayed beer all over them in a crowded pub. I tried covering up as a coughing fit and judging by Pakistan's poisoned cough mixture, Britain's whooping cough outbreak, Julian Assange's lung problems and George H Bush' bronchitis I was rather successful. Of course what helped me sell the coughing fit is that I actually have a bit of a cough lingering from my recent cold but then I do smoke. I thought we'd covered that.
23:50 on 1/12/12.
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