Thursday 1 October 2009

Plymouth Abuse Case.

In June 2009 British police raided a pre-school nursery in Plymouth UK after it emerged that a female employee had been sexually abusing the children in her care. After further investigation it became apparent that the woman had been using Facebook to share images of the abuse with a man in Manchester and a woman in Nottingham. There is no suggestion of any state involvement in the crime.

Although the offence occurred in the jurisdiction of Plymouth Crown court and the two other suspects lived in the jurisdiction of Manchester Crown court and Nottingham Crown court respectively the trio went on trial today in Bristol Crown court. This unusual choice of venue serves two purposes for the state;

1. It allows them to ratchet up the tension in Bristol.

2. It allows them to make a big show that will try and convince the people of Bristol, Britain and possibly the world that something is being done about the Bristol Abuse Case This is obviously completely untrue because I am aware of the people involved in the BAC and they are under observation so I will inform when any action is taken to resolve them.

Today (1/10) the news also broke of a double murder in South Croydon where it appears that a 34 year old man murdered his father and mother before being detained under the mental health act. I've seen no indication of any staging in this incident so I guess it's just further evidence of what a pathetic little town Croydon is.

I should also add that a few months ago I blogged that my grandmother had set fire to her cooker while my father and I stood outside laughing that one of our neighbours bonfire had set of their smoke alarm. This incident was a direct result of the Croydon networks practice of lighting fires as an intimidation tactic. Therefore I feel these people have now crossed a line. Under the rules of the game I am entitled to have them burnt at the stake as a punishment. I think the Brits should bear that in mind when they discuss what form of negotiated settlement will be acceptable.

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