Friday 30 October 2009

The Clocks Have Gone Back

On Sunday, October 25th British Summer Time (BST) ended and Britain went back to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Personally I think the mood of the nation has improved dramatically since the end of the imposition of this false reality. Unfortunately I forgot to change the clock on my VCR meaning I recorded the wrong programs and now have nothing to hibernate with. On the plus side though I did accidentally record the first episode of Andrew Marr's The Making of Modern Britain giving me the opportunity to recommend it to you once again. That's a good thing because the series serves as a warning for so many, many reasons.

The Britain the program talks about. A Britain where few men a no women were allowed to vote. A Britain where real poverty and deprivation plagued the inner cities. A Britain which gave the world concentration camps and the "science" of eugenics was really not so long ago. In fact it was so recent that from the second episode onwards my grandmother will be able to point at the screen and say; "I remember that. It happened in my life time."

Therefore I think the program is being screened on BBC2 on Wednesday up against the extreme peril of either Crimewatch or Spooks on BBC1 specifically to get my grandmother to watch it. The idea being that when Thursday morning brings the arrival of the alleged cleaner my grandmother will be full of reminiscence about her formative years. That makes the screening of the program part of the Brits second great counter attack and the Croydon network have already been briefed to watch it. You might as well watch it too. After all the UK version is free to air and is both educational and accessible. The Labour party only got in on the act by seeing the program advertised on TV and remembering when the Labour party was formed.

As for the counter attack itself I don't really want to say too much. This blog is the Croydon networks main source of intelligence after all. However I think it's fair to say that the offensive was intended to be a three pronged attack which has now been cut down to a single prong. I wasn't overly worried when it was three pronged and now I'm about 66% less worried. Or to put it another way. When I work hard it normally results in a success. I understand this may be quite a difficult concept for the Brits to grasp.

Also I owe and apology to those Somali pirates because I've now had a look at where they're holding their hostages. However I stand by my statement that if the Special Boat Service (SBS) raid them the SBS will win. This is because the SBS only go in when they're sure they're going to win.

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