Sunday 25 October 2009

I'm ill.

Well for the last couple of days I've had a bit of a sore throat, a bit of a headache, a bit of a runny nose and a few aches and pains. I don't know yet if this is the start of something more serious or whether it's just the sort of run down feeling you get after rushing around too fast for too long. Obviously I'm going to be hedging my bets towards the latter by spending the next couple of days firmly attached to my sofa. If I'm feeling particularly energetic I might eat some soup. However in the meantime I must remember my gender and assure you all that I'm Dying!!

Interestingly yesterday I did wake up with a massive hangover which for some reason cancelled out my other symptoms. This put me in the unusual situation where as the hangover gradually lifted I was left feeling progressively worse.

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