Monday 12 October 2009

Bad Luck Banksy.

I guess the summer long residency at the Bristol museum didn't go quite as well as planned because the once rebellious graffiti artist Banksy has been forced to move on to pastures new. In September this piece, allegedly by the Bristol based artist appeared on a wall in Croydon.


Now while being insulted by a world renowned artist is I suppose in it's own way a bit of a compliment the berk went and stuck his latest piece on a wall belonging to Croydon council. Following a poll run by the the local newspaper to decide if it was vandalism or art the local council were planning to remove the wall and auction off the piece for a tidy sum. At least they were planning too until this happened


Which had nothing to do with me because I would have used lighter fluid. So apparently today the news comes out that Gordon Brown is going to be forced to repay £12,000 of "cleaning expenses."

On a slightly related note the doctor who we saw earlier who had never met or treated my grandmother before turned up having being briefed that she was going to visit a geriatric patient with dementia. As such she went into a protocol to assess the level of confusion which involved asking a series of questions such as what's your name, what's your date of birth, what year is it and who is the Prime Minister? When she asked that last question everyone in the room sort of looked at each other as if to say, "Why what have you heard?"

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