Friday 16 October 2009

Dynamic Working Environment

Since my post this morning the Brits have issued a blanket denial. As this denial is blanket it's a bit hard to tell exactly which bit they're denying. They can't possibly be denying that Biobank is trying to map my father's genetic profile. After all Biobank are quite open and upfront about the fact they're trying to collect detailed genetic information on 500,000 people in order to map their genetic profiles and hopefully provide treatments for a variety of illnesses. Similarly they can't possibly be try to deny that CIPTS have breached my patient confidentiality because I'm looking at the letter they sent to me inviting me to that appointment. The second sentence reads; "Following my telephone conversation today with your father...."

They must then be denying that they're only pushing my grandmother into dementia just so they can use a CAT scanner to map her brain. This is more complicated because dementia is diagnosed as normal memory loss accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms; confusion, change in personality, wandering, depression and sleeplessness. We already know that two of the side-effects of Omeprazole are confusion and sleeplessness. Therefore when the memory service diagnose her with dementia and expose her to a battery of genetic and other tests they will do so because she displays normal memory loss, confusion and sleeplessness. In terms of research into dementia all these tests will prove is that Omeprazole causes two of the symptoms of dementia, something which has been known since the drug was licensed for use. Now I know that the Brits are hardly the brightest nor the best so it is possible they are just doing this because they think it's easier then Googling the manufacturers advice. However I think it is far more plausible that they are doing it for a much more sinister reason which could just be plain old spite.

Elsewhere my father has been in contact with my sister who is having a spot of bother. It turns out Hampshire Council have failed to pay her the housing benefit that she uses to pay her rent. If this happens twice more her landlord, Hampshire Council, will be able to take out an eviction order against her and the fact that Hampshire Council have failed in their legal obligation will count for nothing in court. I'll see if I can dig up my post from six months ago on the matter but it appears that everything is happening on schedule so while I'm not happy about it we knew these day's would come.

Today there have also been developments in the Binyam Mohammed case. While I haven't had the chance to look into it properly it appears to be an attempt by the Brits to bully the Americans into continuing to share intelligence.

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