Sunday 16 October 2011

Well I've Got My Monday Planned.

While my father and brother were visiting my grandmother in hospital the night sister asked my father for my mobile phone number to "talk about my section 4 application." This of course was completely unnecessary because my phone number was on the application. However it gave the sister the opportunity to "accidentally" inform my father about the application.

Incidentally on Thursday (13/10/11) I spent most of the afternoon trying to contact my doctor to make an appointment but was blocked by a phone hack on the computerised exchange. This actually prevented me from telephoning my grandmother's doctor to discuss the application but I digress. When I finally got through to my doctor on Friday (14/10/11) the earliest appointment they could offer me was on Monday October 24th by which time you would have expected my prescription to have run out making life very difficult for me.

So it sounds to me as though someone's got a bit of an experiment going. It's a shame really because if the sister wanted to leave the profession she could have simply written to the Royal College of Nursing and asked to be taken off the nursing register. There was no need to involve me.

Anyway shouldn't be much of a problem after all I didn't get up until the middle of the afternoon today (16/10/11). If I was living in Korea.

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