Monday 17 October 2011


At around 13:45 I got back from this meeting with my grandmother's care manager. As it turns out the purpose of the meeting wasn't to discuss my grandmother's discharge. Instead it was to allow the care manager to privately discuss with my father a supposed allegation that I'd made that he had been abusing my grandmother. Then of course once my father had been made really angry the intention was to strong arm him into signing away my grandmother's property to fund her care.

It was fortunate then that I was on hand to point out that no such allegation had been made and enquire why I hadn't been contacted about the matter. After all my grandmother's care team had been provided with my contact details on two separate occasions.

Perhaps less fortunately from certain perspectives now an investigation has begun I have to clarify and formalise my grievance. This includes the specific, criminal allegation that my grandmother's GP - along with other members of her care team employed by the local health authority (LHA) - have, by way of joint enterprise attempted to murder my grandmother through the administration of a poison. That's not going to look good should the LHA's funding committee that meets tomorrow (18/10/11) decide that they're not going to fully fund my grandmother's care and I have to appeal.

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