Friday 7 October 2011

I Guess I Can Lift the Embargo Now.

Last Wednesday (28/9/11) my grandmother's best friend died aged 99 years. Today (7/10/11) she was laid to rest alongside her husband and seven year old son at Devils Bridge in north Wales. As my grandmother is still in hospital she was unable to attend the funeral so my father went to pay her respects on her behalf. This obviously created some security concerns for me.

As for my grandmother on Monday (3/10/11) my father told her that her friend has died on Saturday (1/10/11). When I visited my grandmother yesterday (6/10/11) she was completely unable to remember that her friend had died. However she was aware that my father had gone to Wales to help the friend move on to somewhere else and the friend had recently brought a new box like bed like the one she'd brought for her child. Today (7/10/11) when I visited my grandmother she was not only able to recall that her friend had died but was also able to remember details of the funeral such as it's location and directions of how to get to and from that location. However her immediate term memory was unusually poor. To me this is just further evidence that my grandmother's memory problems are caused by her psyche trying to suppress traumatic memories and the effort that takes rather then a neurological problem.

This recent setback apart my grandmother's general condition is improving every day. So it goes without saying that the hospital are delaying performing a psychiatric assessment in order to polish my grandmother's condition so when they do carry out that assessment it becomes easier for her to pass meaning they can insist on nursing home care on grounds of mobility rather then psychiatric disorder.

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