Sunday 12 September 2010

With an Apology Like That........

Although today is a Sunday and therefore the traditional Christian sabbath and day of rest it has been a busy day in international relations.

Britain started early with a story about a contracts to build two new aircraft carriers already being awarded before the decision to build those aircraft carriers had been made by the government. This is Britain making the entirely false threat to the United States that if the UK is forced to give up on its plans to kill my grandmother it will be unable to assist America in any future military campaigns.

They then followed this up with a story about an 11 year old girl called Mari-Simon Cronje being killed in a watersports accident at a place called "Princes Club." This was spinner. The name Simon could a reference to me and the name Cronje could be a reference to Hansi Cronje, the South African cricketer who was implicated in a betting scandal like the one engulfing the Pakistan cricket team who lost to England today in a Twenty20 game. If you're not paying attention the words "Princes Club", "11 year old girl" and "watersports" seem to implicate one of the Royal Princes in paedophilia and the practice of urinating on your sexual partner known as watersports.

It was around this time that the Americans told the Brits to shut up because all this nonsense was interfering with prisoner transfer negotiations the Americans are currently having with Iran.

Britain responded to this by releasing a story that the Royal Military Police are investigating claims that British soldiers are smuggling heroin back from Afghanistan. As the Royal Military Police are one of my grandmother's husbands ex-regiments and the fact my grandmother is currently, inexplicably being prescribed bupernorphine which is a heroin substitute at first glance this sounds like a British apology to the Americans by promising they will investigate the matter. However if you are familiar with the conspiracy theories surrounding the Black Panthers you will know it is nothing of the sort.

The Black Panthers were a Black empowerment organisation in the United States during the 1960's and 1970's. Although there were allegations of them being involved in terrorist activity one thing they were very good at was dragging the poor, black American underclass up through education and self-discipline. The conspiracy theory is that the CIA were so threatened by this black empowerment they flooded the black community with heroin and crack cocaine turning a hard working and organised group into a worthless mess trapped into a cycle of drug abuse and welfare dependency. Bringing that up now is hardly going to smooth the relationship between the CIA and America's first black President.

Incidentally ITV have got a sulk on so they're interfering with my digital TV. This has left me watching the Help for Heroes concert on BBC1 designed to raise money for British servicemen returning from Afghanistan. I think the idea is that if Britain rewards those returning from Afghanistan with a concert this bad the next time those soldiers are in Afghanistan they'll try a bit harder to get themselves killed. By the way my cousin is currently in Afghanistan on his first tour of duty. Although serving with the British Army he's under the command of the US Army.

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