Tuesday 28 September 2010

Today Has Been Tuesday

And one of those Tuesdays where I had to go to the supermarket. This meant I completely missed Ed Miliband's first leaders speech to the UK Labour Party conference however I do not think I missed much. In the evening I went to the usual pub and absolutely nothing happened.

Tomorrow is Wednesday which apparently brings with it the start of the Commonwealth Games in India. It is also the day when my grandmother's care manager, Edith, visits my grandmother. On this occasion she is bringing with her a new psychologist who will presumably carry out some sort of assessment. Apparently this is meant to be some sort of dramatic event but I can't see why. If the council want to make any major changes to my grandmothers care they will first have to make an application to the Court of Protection and the Court of Protection will have to hear my application on the matter first. If anyone's going to be put under any pressure by the visit it's going to be the psychologist. If they uphold the dementia diagnosis they incriminate themselves but if they question the diagnosis they incriminate their colleagues.

My major worry about tomorrow is whether or not I go to the gym. Once again I've hit the point where fatigue has built up so if I do go I'll run the risk of injury and if I don't go I spend the day in pain as all the fatigue leaves my muscles.

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