Friday 10 September 2010

Oi! Muslims.

As you've probably heard a very small Church in the United States plans to burn copies of the Koran on the anniversary of the September 11th attacks. Although burning copies of the Qu'ran is one of the most offensive things you can do to a Muslim I wouldn't get too excited about it. After all the entire story has absolutely nothing to do with the Qu'ran or Islam. Instead it's to do with little old me.

The thing is that within high and unelected positions within the US civil service there are Republicans who still believe that the UK is an ally of the US. As such they felt the need to warn the UK that to block this Court of Protection business would be nothing short of suicidal. To issue this warning they created a Church which broadly represents those who are pushing for my grandmother's death and a sacred text which broadly represents UK law. The idea was that the story about the plans to burn the sacred text would attract so much condemnation the UK would issue a statement to the effect that they would drop their plans for the Court of Protection.

In the end the UK left the US hanging and no such statement has been issued. This forced the Americans into the difficult position of having to end the story themselves. This was never in doubt because there is no question that the American government would have followed through and done something which many Jews, Christians and non-religious Americans also find hugely offensive.

So seriously I would leave the Americans alone for a couple of days. Tomorrow they've got the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and then they've got to work out how much this exercise in misplaced loyalty has cost them.

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