Tuesday 21 September 2010

I Have Been To The Pub!

It was the same pub I went to last Tuesday when it was infested with Portsmouth fans. You may remember that on that occasion nothing happened. On this occasion there was no football crowd so even less happened. Fair point a very fat man did spill about one tenth of my pint but we decided that it was just an accident. After all he was a very fat, middle-aged man with an equally ugly, middle-aged girlfriend and no-one wants to see a fight in a pub so I decided to resolve the situation through cutting sarcasm rather then violence. After eight pints of reflection I will agree that I should've probably just punched him out through the bannisters.

In other news I have had my hair cut. In respect to the Liberal Democrat Party conference I should explain that yes it is a very severe cut. This is due to my usual, Kurdish/Iraqi, barber being forced into hiding in what I believe is an attempt by the local council to make sure I look scruffy for any upcoming court appearances. In response I've had a short back and sides with a little bit too much hair left on top. I am a little worried that this makes me look like a bit of a pinhead but that's due to the shape of my head and the instructions I gave rather then the talent of the new hairdresser.

Also if you've heard about the Mark Saunders inquest what is alleged to have happened is; A talent young barrister, who was going through a divorce, got very drunk in the May of 2008 and started firing a shotgun in the very expensive Chelsea area of London. Obviously the police were called and a siege ensued. A troop of SAS soldiers who were stationed in London on an anti-terrorism stand-by were dispatched to the scene as observers. The inquest is trying to determine if this caused the police officers to show off and kill an innocent man.

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