Wednesday 8 September 2010

Got A Bit Ahead of Myself There.

Sorry about that. The situation is a little bit stressful. After all I am now forced witness a number of people actively trying to kill a member of my family.

I should clarify though. On September 20th 2010 a Judge at the Court of Protection will be faced with a choice. He can either return a judgement in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 which will remove my father's right to make decisions over my grandmother's health and finances. Assuming that the Brits have, by that point, dropped their homicidal intent I will be able to take over my grandmothers health care. Provided that the doctors in Croydon are able to follow instruction without question or argument that should end the problem I have with them.

Alternatively the Judge can stretch his powers of discretion to breaking point by returning a judgement that has no relation to the law. This will leave me with no other option other to launch an appeal in which I will have to detail that the Judges use of discretion has allowed my grandmother's doctor to continue in the commission of a very serious criminal offence. Obviously this will have very serious consequences for both the judge and the doctor.

So yes at the moment the Brits appear to be fighting for the right to make their situation much worse along with their perceived right to kill old ladies. You wonder why I've got a headache?

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