Wednesday 8 September 2010

A Small Detail I Forgot From Last Night.

Apart from being classed as a poison bupernorphine is a huge depressant. Therefore if a doctor failed to diagnose a patient as suffering from depression they could be described as negligent. However if they then chose to prescribe that same patient bupernorphine they've broken the Hippocratic oath and their behaviour can only be described as criminal.

So let's have no more talk of negligence in my grandmother's case. After all the only mistake this lot have made is thinking they could get away with it.

Edited to add because I'm still a little bit hung over: My grandmother's doctors have already diagnosed depression. They're using that depression as a symptom to support the questionable dementia diagnosis. Therefore the doctor is, with full knowledge, prescribing a massive depressant to a patient with depression. So I can't see what defence they can offer to a charge of causing grievous bodily harm by administering a noxious substance. In fact I may file a police report to that effect tomorrow.

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